Latest Episodes

Episode 41 - Kendy Pearson
Kendy shares her story of gains and losses. A wife, mother, teacher, musician, and accomplished author, Kendy is grateful to God for His many...

Episode 40 - Cassie
In this throwback episode, Cassie shares about her father's struggle with mental illness and how God has been healing her heart since his suicide. ...

Episode 39 - Jill Dixon
In this throwback episode, Jill shares her story of when the mountains came crashing down in her life as she faced her mom's cancer,...

Episode 38 - Janna Fornelli
Janna shares her story of waiting... waiting for security, waiting for a friend, waiting for a husband, waiting for children. Though the stage was...

Episode 37 - Dawn Smith
Dawn shares her story of finding belonging. From childhood frustrations to teenage bullies to motherhood struggles, Dawn consistently listened for and heard from God. ...

Episode 36 - Kathy Sheldon Davis
Kathy, a guest author at CalvaryMac's Christian Writing Group, shares her story in a unique way... by describing the dolls she owned throughout her...