Pat Tippens shares her story at the first Outdoor Story Night event at CalvaryMac. Hers is a story of redemption, as she left a life of drugs, alcohol, and abuse, to find the love of Jesus in her Father's House. From miscarriage to divorce to the loss of her parents, Pat is no stranger to grief. Now she is an anchor in Women's Ministry at CalvaryMac and leads an amazing mentoring program.
For more information on mentoring, no matter where you live, visit or email [email protected]
From the Sarah's Laughter podcast, Amanda shares her story of becoming a stepmom, suffering multiple miscarriages, and being rescued from a flood. Whether facing...
TRIGGER WARNING Michelle shares a powerful story of unsilencing voices, starting with her own. A survivor of abuse, Michelle took her story and used...
Stacey shares her story of insecurity, from her childhood in the mission fields of Africa to her life as a worship leader's wife in...