Chipley shares her story of infertility and becoming a mother through embryo adoption. Now parents to three miracle children, Chipley and her husband learned that their plan B was always God's plan A.
To hear more details from Chipley and Brian's story, check out their epsiodes on the Sarah's Laughter Podcast:
Episode 6 - Chipley
Episode 17 - Brian
Episode 29 - Chipley and Brian
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Though Kenon faced cancer five separate times, she never let it define her. In this tribute throwback episode,...
Leigh continues her story of redemption and healing. She shares about finding Jesus, adopting her daughter, and extensive mission and church work. But she...
In this recording of one of the live Story Night events at CalvaryMac, Laura shares her story of searching for joy. People and circumstances...